Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky
The Racing
Siberian Husky
& Free

A Yukon Adventure

Love of Dogs

Guide to the
Siberian Husky


The New Complete
Siberian Husky

Alone: The
World's Greatest
Adventure Race

Les Chiens de
Paris/Dogs in Paris

Cream City
Stories of
Milwaukee's Past

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Siberian Huskies
Over the years, Rick competed successfully in
mid- and long-distance races in Montana, Oregon, Utah, Colorado and western Canada,
including the 300+ mile Montana Governors Cup.
In 1972, Rick
and Barb traveled from Idaho to New England and back, visiting Siberian Husky kennels and
meeting Doc Lombard, Short Seeley, Lorna Demidoff, Lloyd and Winnie Slocum, Roland Bowles
and many more breeders and racers. We learned much about race and show Siberians. The trip launched Barb's long-term
research for a book on Siberian Husky history, including the dog's ancient origins among
the Chukchi people of northeast Siberia.
Work continues on the nearly completed volume. |

Great Race to Nome
Heritage North Press
Founded [ Top ]
In 1983, we founded Heritage North Press with
the publication of Cross-Strain Breeding of Racing Siberians, a small book Barbara wrote on the breed's
founding strains, its derivative racing strains and cross-strain breeding for hybrid
vigor. The book defines the Anadyr, New England and Seppala racing strains and discusses
the value of genetic diversity to canine health.
The next year we
launched The Racing Siberian
Husky newsletter, which was read around the world for 15
years. HNP has also published other books including the HNP best seller, The Seppala Siberian by Douglas W. Willett,
and Untold Tales: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Breeding Racing
Siberians by Rick
Petura, RSH Racing Editor. For details on the HNP
books and back issues of RSH, please check here. While Heritage North Press has been closed
for many years and its publications no longer for sale, they are available for research

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Ricks professional
background is in electrical and mechanical engineering, and he holds engineering
bachelors and masters degrees. He reads widely in the biological
sciences including genetics, anatomy, sports medicine and physiology, and attends
university seminars in these fields.
Barb holds a
bachelor's degree in English magna cum laude from Lawrence
University in Appleton, Wisconsin, with emphases in writing and literature. She reads
widely in archaeology and anthropology, loves music, and
over many years led communication staff for three universities until retiring in mid-2010. |
WorkingDogWeb.com Launched [ Top ]
WorkingDogWeb.com was created in 1997 as an
in-depth source of information on dog topics of importance to mushers and all others who
breed, train and work their dogs. Not surprisingly, Siberian Husky
and sled dog racing resources are extensive and the sport was
often featured.
The Racing Siberian Husky, a paper
newsletter from 1984-1998, then became a section of WorkingDogWeb.com, with articles added
occasionally. In early 2007, we covered the dog and cat food crisis in America,
the result of tainted food ingredients imported from China. Articles on topics like that
appeared in WDWNews Online
that ended in May 2007.
On occasion,
we have accepted submission of racing Siberian Husky profiles and articles, as well as
those especially relevant to active dogs and dog sports. We were pleased to publish Togo's Final Journey by Lance Jensen as an example
of articles we were interested in presenting. We again thank Lance for a meaningful
partnership. |

includes an extensive BookStore through Amazon.com.
Two specialty Bookstore sections -- one on Arctic books
including Alaska and Siberia, and a second on wolf books --
opened in June 1998. Since then, we've provided visitors with suggested dog videos, dog DVDs as well as dog magazines and many more dog
products. We thank our visitors for their support when they shop through links on the
also publishes a BookReview journal. Authors may submit
review copies of new books that are for sale via Amazon.com. Today only books about
working dogs, about the human- canine bond, and volumes that explore dog origins are
considered for review. Dog humor, care and training books are not reviewed. Not all books received are reviewed due to time constraints. Some time ago, we reviewed a remarkable
book, Merle's
Door: Lessons from a Freethinking Dog, by Ted Kerasote. This volume covers many
of those topics a very special way. |

Merle's Door:
Lessons from a Freethinking Dog
On occasion we interviewed dog book authors and posted the interviews online.
Examples include a discussion with authors Ray and Lorna Coppinger
about their remarkable book, Dogs: A Startling New Understanding of Canine
Origin, Behavior & Evolution. This book was at the top of the best-seller list from our store for many years.
In the fall of 1998, we
added more special features, including the popular Best Dog FREE
STUFF! page as well as Comic Canine Cartoons. Our
goal was to provide guides to the best in serious information and good fun!
WDW News & Canine Link
of the Week [ Top ]
A popular feature of WorkingDogWeb.com was
our free newsletter, WDW News & Canine Link of the Week, with
features on working dogs and their jobs, dog behavior and training, new free stuff,
featured dog books and more. Click to read
a sample issue online. It was published several times a
year, but ceased publication in May 2007.
Starting in 1998, Barbara
became involved in several new online dog communication activities. These included:
- serving the founding
editor of the Dogs Section of Newhoo, later purchased
by Netscape and renamed Open Directory Project.
- serving as an
editor/contributor to the Briefme.com Pets & Domestic Animals Ezine, formerly sent
weekly to hundreds of readers.
- being selected as the
founding "Guru," online name CanisMajor, for Dog-tips.com -- one of 400+ sites in Lifetips.com family. Time prevented me from
continuing this unique project for dog lovers.
Starting in 2003, pages
were added to the site related to Barb's work on her book on the origins of the Siberian
sled dog in its native land. This includes an array of topics including: Paleolithic Background, Chukchi, Chukchi Origins, Eskimos, Siberia, China, Art
and Artifacts, Jade,
Pottery, Harpoons, and more. An
in-depth guide to Northern Dogs including the various spitz
dogs and a guide to Ancient
Breeds as defined by scientists were added as well.
Recently, for fun, we added
The Dogs of Paris based on our March 2004 travels to the
capital of France, plus an essay on The Pleasures of Paris with
thoughts on art, architecture, food and the beauty of the city.
Our Own Genealogy Too [ Top ]
After many years of researching Siberian
Husky pedigrees and origins, we decided it was time to research our own ancestry. You'll
find our Family Heritage Resources in the A-Z Index. Barbara
also created a WordPress blog called Relative
Musings, about her adventures and advice on genealogy. Here is an index to the research tips and strategies in her blog
postings. She also has a group called Finding Family for Free at GenealogyWise. Visit
our Genealogy Bookshelf for
helpful books you can purchase.
Heritage North Press Closed
Down [ Top ]
Due to the decline in interest in the racing
and working Siberian Husky as a competitive sled dog, sales of Heritage North Press books
and back issues of the Racing Siberian Husky newsletter ceased many years ago. We finally
decided that it was time to close down Heritage North Press.
The WorkingDogWeb site
continues because it has a much broader audience - all people interested in active and
working dogs, no matter the breed, plus those interested in northern peoples, Siberia,
Asian culture, genealogy and the other topics we present. WDW is owned as a personal
project by its editors.
Now that the WorkingDogWeb
editors are retired, features such as the DogBlog are active
again. Check out our recent postings on the 2013 Iditarod including TeamBeringia and
Mikhail Telpin running Chukchi sled dogs from Siberia.
To connect
with WDW editors you can:
- Call 509/334-1777 between 6-9 p.m. in the
evening and after 10 a.m. on weekends. We are on USA Pacific Time,
the same as the time in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles, so PLEASE calculate accordingly! An answering machine is available. Always
leave your email address on the answering machine so we can contact you.
Again, we do all correspondence by email,
so if you leave a voice message, please give your email address. Thanks!.
for stopping by. Let us hear from you!
Rick & Barb Petura
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Working DogWeb serves all who value active and working dogs.
Disclaimer: The editors are not responsible for the
of pages outside the WorkingDogWeb site.
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© Copyright 1997
- 2013 by R&BP
Updated 4/15/2015