History for Upper Paleolithic Era [ Top ]
Circumpolar History
Timetables: series of charts showing climate changes, glacial
and interglacial periods, human developments and migrations for Eurasia and North America
from 140,000 BP to the present.
Paleolithic Eras & Art: the Lower, Middle
and Upper Paleolithic periods explained; cave paintings, ivory sculptures, stone and bone
tools pictured, and the dates of the
Paleolithic periods and archaeological timelines
Environments around the Globe: maps, text show changes in
forests, deserts, tundra, more, during glacial and interglacial periods, including maps of
Eurasia & Siberia
over the past 150,000 years.
The Great Climate Flip Flop:
how climate changes abruptly into Ice Age conditions and back, and
the influence on human evolution, plus another version of the climate article with added maps and charts
Paleolithic Peoples & Culture [ Top ]
First Migration of
a Homo Species Out of Africa: 1.7 million year old fossils found
in Republic of Georgia similar to those from Kenya
Origins of Modern Humans:
Out of Africa or Multiregional? two main theories explored in
depth by Donald Johanson, discoverer of "Lucy"
Early modern humans: they
differ from Neanderthals, plus two theories on human origins - "out of Africa"
and multi-regional - and much more on early modern human culture
& art
in Europe, Africa, and a look at archaic homo sapiens or
Humans & Neanderthals: a comparison, plus a how Homo sapiens sapiens have
thrived in many ecosystems, plus a look at characteristics of modern
humans, Neanderthals, including speech and thought
Modern Humans First Left
Africa Via a Southern Route: early people left 80,000 years ago
on a passage to India, then to Asia and Europe
Battle over the emergence of
modern humans in Eurasia: good summary of the opposing theories
basic on genetics or on human fossils
Human Origins & Neanderthal Extinctions in the Levant: these
two peoples competed for the Levant until 47,000 BP, with map
When Humans
Became Human: were Europe's Cro-Magnons the first with modern
behavior? what of the people of Blombos Cave in South Africa?
Modern Human Culture: including illustrations of Paleolithic
tool types, the first needles, cave art, portable art such as Venus figurines"
Paleolithic Art from the
Danube to Lake Baikal: Eurasian art of a warm phase 25,000-20,000 BP, Finno-Ugrian
origins, with charts of changing temperatures, maps of glaciers, art images including cave
bear, and more on Paleolithic Art of Siberia with ivory
sculptures of women, birds [PDF]
& Cultural Evolution: fine motor skills, complex tools
requiring preplanning, and grammatical language may have evolved together
Rock Art &
Archaeology: important evidence from
caves, and an introduction to the art of Chavet
Cave in France
Migrations of Paleolithic
People & Later [
Top ]
Paleolithic Exploration & Exploitation:
why humans migrated to new
of Man: geneticist Spencer Wells traces human migrations
Origins &
Spread of Modern Humans: including
the Upper Paleolithic
Tracking the Sexes by
their Genes: differences in gender migrations, with
evidence of males arriving
without females [Science log-on needed]
First Europeans: migrations brought the first early modern humans into Europe from Central
Asia and the Middle East some 40,000 years ago
Upper Paleolithic in Eastern Europe & Russia & Siberia
in Eurasia & Siberia [ Top ]
Archaeology of
Siberia: key sites such as Mal'ta &
Buret near Irkutsk, with rich finds, more on Malta, Tolbaga in
Transbaikal, Dyuktai
Archaeological Sites in Siberia: map with 27
sites including Mal'ta and Buret with remains of dwellings, tools and art,
and Berelekh, a mammoth cemetary with a
human "stand" or site nearby
Archaeological Sites of Northern Asia -
Paleolithic: with a map, sites
listed with latitude & longitude
and a searchable database of dates
Paleolithic's well known sites such as Kara Bom, 43,000 BP;
Mal'ta and
Buret, dated to 23,000 BP, Studenoe 2 to 17,900 BP
& Middle & Upper Paleolithic of Northern Asia: scientic
papers published online by the Siberian Archaeological Herald
in European Russian Arctic some 40,000 Years Ago: traces of humans found at Mamontovaya Kurya; more on
the early people at the site
and earliest humans
in the Arctic and evidence early
humans ate mammoth, reindeer, wild horses, plus the notched mammoth tusk
Humans in Eastern
Siberian Arctic 30,000 Years Ago: traces
of human tools, including spear
foreshafts of rhinoceros horn and mammoth tusk, found on the Yana River 300 miles
north of the Arctic Circle. Yana is between the Lena and Indigirka. Stone
tools and animal bones also found.
Initial Upper Paleolithic in Northeast
Asia: comparing tools from Siberia's Kara Bom site, 43,000 BP,
to those of Mongolia, China [PDF]
Man & Mammoth in
Pleistocene Siberia: including their distribution, other key
animals, and the use of mammoth ivory
Sites of Northern Asia: map with sites located, not named, plus a listing of
sites and dates
Paleolithic Sites of the
Transbaikal: Studenoe-2, Tolbaga and Masterov Kluich dating back at least 30,000
BP, and sites around Lake Baikal
Paleolithic Japan - Mt. Yatsugatake:
with microblades, cores 13,000 BP
Paleolithic Sakhalin
Island & Kuriles: with the Okhotsk culture in
the 1st millenium B.C., end of Paleolithic, and an illustrated chronology
including the era when Sakhalin is connected to the mainland, the Ainu, more
Map of Eurasia including Siberia: including southern Asia for context
Map of Siberia in Last Ice Age: with human
migration paths in Eurasia and into the New World, and complete site, Siberia: Land of Wonders
Radiocarbon Chronology of the Siberian
Paleolithic: a synthesis, plus 14C dates of earliest Upper Paleolithic sites in
Siberia and Russian Far East
Radiocarbon-based Chronology of the
Paleolithic in Siberia [PDF]
Radiocarbon Dating Conversion
Chart: 18,000 C14 years ago is calibrated to 21,000 real or calendar years ago; 11
date conversions shown
Art in Russian Far East & Siberia: a window on ancient cultures, with footnotes
rock art without notes and cave art in
Tents of Ice Age
Eurasia: conical tents from the Yukagir and Yakut to the Evenki or Tungus, Ket,
Khanti, Nentsi, Chukchi and more, and examples of tents from
the Inuit in Siberia and North America
Transition in Northeast Asia
Cultures about 10,000 BP: wedge-shaped microblade core
technology ends at start of the Holocene warm period, and Sumnagin culture spreads from
Tamyr to Chukotka
Paleolithic in Beringia, Kamchatka,
Alaska [ Top ]
Ancient Circumpolar World: with maps of Beringia and its ice shelves,
productive hunting territory for early people moving from Siberia to Alaska
Beringia: description plus a map showing ancient
archaeological sites and possible interior and coastal routes from Siberia to North
America, and the complete site, Siberia: Land of Wonders
Beringia: Bering Land
Bridge, definition, map, and more on Beringia, Ice Age region at Bering Strait between Siberia and
Alaska, home to ancestors of the Chukchi, Siberian and American Eskimo peoples, and
examples of stone tools from Beringia & Alaska including microblades
Common History of Development in
Bering Sea Region: including parallels between Ushki Lake artifacts in Kamchatka and
sites in Alaska |
Age Alaska!

of the Wolf
(The First North Americans
Series - Book 1)
Discover all the
Americans Books |
Early People in Beringia
15,000 BP: linked to Siberias Diuktai Culture, with Ice
Age lifeways, plus Beringian migration
routes & Diuktai Cave
Dyuktai Culture
Links Siberia & Alaska: includes discovery, artifacts, and more on Dyuktai in New World
as well as stemmed points, Clovis, more
Mesa Site: points found at
this 11,000 year old site in Alaska link early hunters here with Clovis people to the
south; lanceolate points of the Mesa site,
Site & Lime Hills discoveries and
Mesa Site points
Northern Fluted Points: fluted points of
Alaska and the Yukon - similar to Clovis points - with chronology, illustrations,
distribution map, with a chart of Projectile Points of Northwestern
Plains for comparison
& Denali Lithics in Alaska: archaeologists at Moose Creek find Nenana complex
tools without microblades dated to 11,190 BP, later Denali complex with cores and
microblades - many illustrations
Microblade Tradition & Denali Complex: distribution of microblade tools from
Siberia across Alaska and the Yukon [PDF]
Overview of Alaskan Archaeology: early prehistory
Stone Tool Types &
Periods: Beringia and Alaska's Tanana Valley
Paleolithic Culture Crosses
Beringia: Asiatic-derived culture spread across Beringia into Alaska, Yukon with
microblades,burins by 10,000 B.P.
Culture of Siberia - Dyuktai: page in Spanish, with map of important archaeological sites [click for translation tool]
Ushki Lake Sites in Kamchatka: Layer 7 with stemmed points but without microblades, dating to 14,000 BP,
and Layer 6 dated to 10,700 BP with microblades, wedge-shaped microblade cores
Ushki Lake
Projectile Point: stemmed point found in layer 7, no wedge- shaped cores or
microblades found in this layer
site on river south of the Amur with wedge-shaped microblade cores at end of Paleolithic,
with artifacts from Sokol site shown