Lesson on Starting: record what you know,
interview living relatives, more
Family for Free: listing of many tips for doing family history research
with little or no cost as you begin, with links to entries on our Relative Musings blog
101: a clear outline of how to begin your research, with 5 key steps and
Lessons: 85 free lessons grouped into the following categories. Use as an
intro or as a checklist of approaches
· Beginning Genealogy
· Internet Genealogy
· Tracing Immigrant
26 Tips to Get You
Started and a helpful listing of Genealogy
Terms and abbreviations
Genealogy and Family History
Research: resources from the
National Archives on how to get started tracing your family tree
Your Genealogy Research: census,
immigration, land, military and naturalization
Relative Musings: ideas on finding your family with free resources, as well
as the editor's family research. A handy index of blog
Super Secrets
of Successful Genealogists: tips from the pros on getting past brick walls or
dead ends in your family research
Brick Wall Genealogy
Solutions: guide to the best advice on overcoming family research dead ends,
with articles, lessons and more
Genealogy Charts & Forms: some of the best sites for free resources
History Forms including a Family Group Sheet in Excel format for ease of use.
Genealogy Forms: family
record sheet, pedigree chart, more - free in pdf format
Charts: wide selection of charts free in pdf format -- organize the results
of your work
Family Relationship
Chart: figuring out aunts, uncles, cousins, gg-grandparents and more
Guides to Resources [ Top ]
Genealogy Resources: includes Web sites for both traditional records-based
and genetic genealogy research. Check for a new resouce.
Cyndi's List: a massive collection of resources with more than 250,000 links to
genealogy resources organized by countries, states, surnames, record types and much more
History Internet Resources: an A to Z list of Web site to help with genealogy
at Rootsweb: a large collection of guides
with advice and links to sources of information by type, countries, ethnic groups
Genealogy Roots
Blog: get the latest news about genealogy resources, online databases and
records, from Joe Beine, creator of the large and helpful,
Research Online [ Top ]
Checklist: monitor your research using many listed types of genealogy
resources 1880 Census, plus
individual genealogical records, GEDCOMS, more
FamilySearch free access to scans of some census records, more new resources use the wealth of information posted by other researchers, but
remember to find records to support ancestral connections
U.S. GenWeb: free resources transcribed and posted by volunteers for every state
and county in the USA. Also see WorldGenWeb
- Links: large directory of links to
online census transcriptions, by state, county
Censusfinder: links to free online census records, USA, Canada, more
Garden: search for immigrant
ancestors who came through New York's first immigration station between 1830-1892
Ellis Island: search for immigrant ancestors who came through New York between
Ships: start with 1st of 8 volumes of
transcribed ships' passenger lists - search ISTG site by search engine, index or year
Genealogical Society: searches available for European countries
Changes: discover how many European immigrants changed their given names --
with numerous examples. By H.L. Mencken.
and Surnames in varied countries including British names
and Czech names
Family History
Centers: search for a center near you, where you can use books, computer
tools and order microfilms
Books We Own: volunteers
who own books of genalogical value do look-ups
General Land Office
Records with searchable database of early land purchases, from BLM
the SSDI: guide to the Social Security Death Index and the SSDI search tool
a free database of burials, and for gravesites, memorials use Find a Grave
Random Acts of Genealogical
Kindness: an online source for look-ups by volunteers wealth
of resources in this subscription service
Genealogy Bank:
search historic documents and newspapers free, subscribe for full access
search original documents online including civil war, naturalization records, more
Genealogy Searches: use search tools on this page for special genealogy
Sites to Post Queries [ Top ]
CousinConnect: search and post queries,
searchable by surname and country
GenForums: post your family research
query based on surname, country, region of a country, state, county in a state, and
selected topics.
Boards at for surnames, localities, selected topics
Boards at, with 161,000 boards: surname, location,
specialty whether your ancestor
migrated between or within countries, post them here and add a brief query for assistance
offer space for posting free queries and a way to search past queries
Queries & Message Boards:
at Cyndi's List
6 Steps to a Successful Genealogy Query
Sharing Family History [ Top ]
Genealogy Bios:
contribute biographies for your family or read those posted by others
GenForum: submit what you know about ancestors by surname and location
including countries, states, counties, more
post a description of how your ancestors moved from place to place
Rootsweb Surname
List: post your surname and find others researching your name
Research via Rootsweb: you can submit
records, upload family trees, post to message boards and more to share or find information
Genealogy Products [ Top ]
Visit our Genealogy
Shop for family history and genealogy books, software and other products
today. Check out the sections for German genealogy, Irish genealogy and much more.