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Dog Food & Nutrition

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by veterinarians

DogCatDiets.jpg (6525 bytes)
Home-Prepared Dog
& Cat Diets: the
Healthful Alternative


ue to a recall of dog foods in March and April 2007, dog owners more than ever need information on canine nutritional requirements as well as on homemade dog foods and diets. The recall, due to the discovery of melamine in wheat, rice and corn supplements from China, affected about 1 percent of dog foods in the U.S. -- mainly "wet" food sold in cans and pouches.

Still, there is need for dog nutrition information and even for dog food recipes. We urge you to learn from the resources below, but also to talk with your veterinarian about any changes to your dog's diet.

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Three Dog Bakery Cookbook


  Featured Nutrition Resources [ Top ]

star-red.gif (881 bytes) ALERT: Recall of dog food & treats widens. See the in-depth article written and updated by WorkingDogWeb editors. Updated with the latest news as of May 5, 2007, it traces the health threat and includes some veterinary advice and resources on homemade dog diets.

Understanding Canine Nutrition Part I: learn the seven building blocks of canine nutrition [water, protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals]

Understanding Canine Nutrition Part II: learn how to understand the ingredients in dog food as shown on the label

Dog Nutrition Fundamentals:  protein, carbs, fats, fiber & vitamins -- this article discusses all the important elements of a balanced diet for dogs

Barkers-Grub.jpg (6356 bytes)
Barker's Grub:
Easy, Wholesome
for Dogs

Nutrition as the Foundation of Good Health: a veterinarian's four-point program, including natural food, digestive enzymes and beneficial bacteria, essential fatty acids and antioxidants

Building a Balanced Diet and Dog Nutrition and Diet & More
and Building Blocks of Canine Fitness - from Dog Owner's Guide

Doggie Dinner Basics: a chart of nutrients with a look at the balance of carbohydrates and protein, and the matter of trace minerals

Good-Food-Cookbook-Dogs.jpg (6165 bytes)
The Good Food Cookbook for Dogs:
50 Home-Cooked Recipes


Homemade-Treats.jpg (5836 bytes)
Homemade Treats for Happy, Healthy Dogs


   Dog Food Recipes  [ Top ]

Home-made Dog Food: article on feeding dogs, recognizing that they are considered omnivores, with one recipe

Doggie Dinner Recipe using chicken or turkey as the protein source and long grained brown rice for carbohydrate, and more ingredients

Dozens of Doggie Treats: from wheat-free salmon treats to veggie bones to chicken liver cookies

Dog Food & Treat Recipes: from oatmeal dog biscuits to magic meatballs

Dog Treat Recipes: from peanut butter bones to Harry's party pupcakes and other tempting dog treats

Dog-Treat-Cookbook.jpg (9930 bytes)
The Ultimate Dog Treat Cookbook: Homemade Goodies for
Man's Best Friend

Dog Food Pantry: lots of recipes - from Chow Chow Chicken to Liver Treats to Shush Puppies - from the doggie site known as

Natural Dog Food: an alternative approach

Homemade Dog Food: study dog nutrition before trying to make your own dog food, the AVMA warns dog owners

NaturalFood.gif (14626 bytes)
Natural Food
Recipies for
Healthy Dogs

Click the link to order Canine Nutrition
Canine Nutrition:
What Every Owner,
Breeder and Trainer
Should Know


RealFoodForDogs.jpg (9149 bytes)
Real Food for Dogs: 50 Vet-
Approved Recipes to Please
the Canine Gastronome


RawMeatyBones.jpg (5510 bytes)
Raw Meaty Bones
Promote Health


Dog-Health-Nutrition-IG.jpg (6408 bytes)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dog
Health & Nutrition

or shop our


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Dog Books


DogCatDiets.jpg (6525 bytes)
Home-Prepared Dog
& Cat Diets: the
Healthful Alternative


Better-Food-for-Dogs.jpg (5580 bytes)
Better Food for Dogs: A Complete Cookbook and Nutrition Guide


   More on Feeding & Nutrition  [ Top ]

Basic Nutrition Information

Dog Food Analysis: Part One - Label Info -- FIVEstar-red.gif (881 bytes)SITE by Earl Wolfe, plus his Part Two - Ingredients Explained showing contents
of dozens of dog food brands, and the site's
Home Page

Myths & Answers about dog feeding and nutrition, including discussion of table scraps, cottage cheese and yogurt, raw food diets, and much more from the Dog Food Project

Dog Food Costs - Premium & Economy Food Compared 

FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine - agency regulates manufacture,
distribution of food additives, drugs given to animals

· FDA CVM Specific Subjects Index

Weight Loss Diet for Dogs - using vegetables

What's Really in Pet Food - an extensive report from the Animal 
Protection Institute

Nutrition for Canine Athletes

Feeding Canine Athletes - tips from Philip W. Toll, DVM, M.S. and Arleigh J. Reynolds, DVM, Ph.D.

Feeding the Canine Athlete - focusing on long-distance sled dogs who consume 12,000 calories per day while working 

Feeding and Watering Working Sled Dogs - from Mush with P.R.I.D.E.

Electrolyte Solutions For Dogs - by Kurt Matushek, DVM, MS

Fish as Food for Working Sled Dogs

Working Dog Nutrition Articles - from Archive

No-No Foods for Dogs

Bad Foods for Dogs List: detailed list and description of the problem

What NOT to Feed Your Dog: chocolate, onions, raw eggs, more

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FREE newsletter on dog health, training star-red.gif (874 bytes)


ASPCADogCareManual.jpg (8422 bytes)
ASPCA Complete
Dog Care Manual

Click the link to order this important new dog health book!
Dog Health &
Nutrition for


Nutrition-Pet.jpg (5209 bytes)

Nutrition (Natural Pet
Care Pocket Series)


NaturalNutritionDogs.jpg (7349 bytes)
Natural Nutrition for Dogs
and Cats: The
Ultimate Pet Diet


Click link to order Veterinarian's Guide
The Veterinarians' Guide to Your
Dog's Symptoms

       Dog Health Encyclopedias [ Top ]

The Encyclopedia of Canine Veterinary Medical Information - many entries from Addison's Disease through White Dog Shaker Syndrome

Pet Education on Dogs - covering behavior, diseases, first aid, parasites, feeding and nutrition, with articles by veterinarians

Pet Health Library: articles from acupuncture through worms and dogs

VetInfo's A to Z Index - with answers to questions on many aspects of dog health and treatment

HomeVet.gif (5934 bytes)
Dog Owner's

Home Veterinary

DogHealthAndCare.jpg (5965 bytes)
The American Animal
Hospital Assn Encyclopedia
of Dog Health and Care


AZHealth.gif (4588 bytes)
A-Z of Dog
Diseases &
Health Problems

CaringForYourDog.jpg (8185 bytes)
Caring for Your Dog:
The Complete Canine
Home Reference


HolisticGuideHealthDog.jpg (6625 bytes)
Holistic Guide for a
Healthy Dog

HomeVeterinaryHandbook.jpg (6553 bytes)
Dog Owner's Home
Veterinary Handbook

HealthyDog.gif (5569 bytes)
Holistic Guide
a Health Dog

NaturalHealthDogs.jpg (8809 bytes)

Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health
for Dogs & Cats


FirstAidForDogs.jpg (7378 bytes)
First Aid for Dogs:
An Owner's
Veterinary Guide


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Canine health, care, food, nutrition, dog breeding, genetics

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Updated 1/3/2014

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