Dog E-zines, Online Newsletters [ Top ]
Breed Apart -
first online greyhound magazine
Bad Dog Chronicles
- reality dog tales
Bird Dog and Retriever News - big site, many articles
Bird Dog Training Resources - listing of newsletters, more
Canis Max - Magazine for Large Dog Enthusiasts, with articles
Catahoula Ezine
- with Beginner's Guide excerpts
Checkcord - bird
dog and upland hunting e-zine
Cyberdogs&catsMagazine - online magazine
in English and Italian
Dog Ezines, Forums & Chat
- big list, links from Dr. P
Newsletter - about
places that welcome dogs
Dog Magazines - list, links from Tamebeast
- archives of newspaper published by
the Vietnam Dog Handlers Association with back issues free in PDF format
Owners' Digest - helpful and sometimes funny dog news
Owner's Guide - more than 300 pages of features, breed
profiles, training articles and much more
Dogs in Canada - with online
feature articles on obedience, more
Dog World
Magazine -
with a spotlight breed, more
Fan Hitch
- online newsletter of the Inuit
Sled Dog International - a global news
site on field trialing, bird dog hunting, and its Field Trial Magazine - sample articles online
Field Trial News -
current news from pointing dog clubs
Good Dog!
- bimonthly consumer e-zine for
dog owners
Dane Reporter -
with sample articles
Greyhound Daily
News - 1997 to
present, from NGA

with SledDogs @ WorkingDogWeb
Hike! Magazine -
Italian sled dog magazine with online content available in both Italian and English
Husky Magazin - German sled dog magazine online
Informer - Sierra Nevada Dog Drivers newsletter online [pdf]
International Cyberzine for Working Dogs,
and quick
to many past articles
K9 DISCussion
- free ezine for frisbee dog lovers in
Mushing Magazine - with sample articles, and Mushing Archives
NetPet Magazine - edited by Bonnie Dalzell with
articles, humor, breed profiles, more
Tugline - for sled
dog racers with sample issue [pdf], articles and archive of past covers, from North Star
Sled Dog Club
Racing Siberian Husky
Online - sampling of articles
Retrievers Online
- sample articles and index to all back
Sheltie International
- with sample articles online
Tracks - online coonhound magazine
News - sign up for our FREE occasional newsletter on dog behavior, training, health, free
stuff, more!