Q: What breeds are least popular?
The 10 breeds with the fewest individual registrations with the AKC
in 2002 were, counting down, German Pinscher, Plott, American Foxhound, Komondorok, Skye
Terrier, Finnish Spitz, Ibizan Hound, English Foxhound, Harrier, and the Otterhound in the
last spot, with just 17 dogs registered.
For full details, check out the Registration Statistics with the latest
AKC registration data for individual breeds.
The CKC does not have a full listing of breeds and registration
numbers on its website.
Questions on dog history [ Top ]
Q: What living species of the canid or dog family has the oldest
archaeological evidence proving its antiquity?
A: In Olduvai Gorge in eastern Africa, skeletal
remains of silverbacked jackals dating back 1.7 million years gives us the earliest fossil
record for a species of Canis still alive today. In fact, silverbacked jackals are found
today in the brush woodland in the region near the gorge.
The jackal species include the black-backed jackal which is the same
as the silverbacked jackal, the golden
jackal, the side-striped jackal
and the Ethiopian or Simien wolf or
Follow these links for pictures of:
· Golden
· Black-backed
· Side-striped
· Simien
Follow this link for pictures of wild members of the dog family and follow
this link for details on all members of the Canidae or dog family.
Q: What is the oldest breed of dog?
A: This is a complicated question, but there are
helpful clues. It appears that two semi-domestic dogs -- the Dingo
of Australia and the New Guinea
Singing Dog -- are considered the last existing representatives of early dogs
developed in southern Asia. These dogs are thought to have traveled with their human
companions all the way to Australia and New Guinea.
Another candidate is the Basenji, whose ancestor is also
thought to have developed in southern Asia; it then moved with people into Africa,
starting in Egypt. [See below for new confirmation from the latest dog genetic research].
The Canaan Dog of Israel traces to ancient
pariah dog stock of the Middle East.
One influential new theory is that
dogs were first domesticated in East Asia, possibly China, and the first peoples to enter
North America took dogs with them from Asia. Now, new
genetic research published in May 2004 has identified 14 ancient dog breeds, with the
oldest being the Chow Chow, Shar Pei, Akita, Shiba Inu and Basenji. Because many of
the 14 breeds are associated with China and Japan, the theory that the dog originated in
Asia seems to be likely.
Enjoy this Guide to Ancient Breeds
and learn about all 14.
Q: What author is considered to be the first to write about dogs?
The Greek author Homer is considered to one of the first to write
about dogs. Canines are mentioned frquently in his classic epic, the "Odyssey,"
written in the 9th century B.C.
Interestingly, the ancient Greeks believed that
the gates to Hades or the underworld were guarded by Cerberus, a savage three-headed dog.
The widespread practice in Greece of using watchdogs may have been the source of this
belief. Or possibly it was influenced by the Egyptians whose dog-headed god Anubis was
connected with judgment after death. To learn more, check here.
More sources of dog facts [ Top ]
Here are some questions plus links to answers:
What are the most popular names for dogs these days?
Max is No. 1 for males on some charts for both
Australia and the United States, with Jessie, Maggie and Molly for females. Click to
search for the Top 20 list for dog names for puppies.
See a 2012 list of popular dog nams.
A list of the Top
100 dog names for 2013 shows Max and Bella on the top, followed by Buddy, Rocky,
Bailey and Jake for male dogs and Molly, Lucy, Maggie and Daisy for female dogs. Is your
dog's name listed?
Names from nature are also popular, such as Bear and Daisy. See this
list of top
dog names.
For those looking for unique names, consider this list of the top 10
dog names -- but translated into
Hawaiian. Enjoy!
Are dogs really color-blind?
here. Or here.
Are the tallest dogs such as Zeus or other ultra dogs --
heaviest or tallest or smallest -- being bred responsibly?
one opinion here.
How many dogs served in the Vietnam War?
Try this page.
How many people are bitten by dogs in the U.S. in a year?
Check here
for statistics.
What countries have the most pet dogs per family?
Find an
answer here.
How many people in the U.S. seek medical treatment as a
result of dog bites each year?
this article.
Where is the American Kennel Club Museum of the Dog?
out here and enjoy this visitor fact sheet.
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Major revision done April 2005
Updated 1/14/2014