Researchers reported their findings in the
article Genetic Structure of the Purebred Domestic Dog in the journal Science,
Volume 304, on May 21, 2004.
The findings are expected to be valuable for
further research on both canine and human health, the researchers say, since different
breeds of dogs experience many of the same diseases that people do.
One aspect of the study is especially
fascinating for those who breed and own any of the 14 breeds determined to be in an
"ancient" group. The so-called genetic fingerprints of these breeds show
considerable similarity to those of the wolves included in the study. These 14
breeds now believed to be very old range from the Pekingese to the Saluki to the Siberian
On the one hand, this outcome supports the theories of Jennifer Leonard and of Peter Savolainen that the
dog was domesticated in East Asia and spread out from there across Eurasia and into Africa
and the Americas.
Of the 14 breeds grouped as "ancient"
in the new study, 10 have homelands in Asia, including China, for the Chow Chow, for
example; in Japan, for the Akita; or in Siberia, for the Samoyed and Siberian Husky.
In addition, the Alaskan Malamute is shown to be very closely related to the Siberian
Husky, and its place of origin is far western Alaska, across the Bering Strait from the
homeland of the Siberian Huskys ancestors. Finally, several breeds in the
group of 14 are associated with Africa, namely the Basenji, or with western Asia,
namely the Afghan Hound and Saluki.
Seeing these ancestral relations among these
breeds provides breakthough insights for those doing breed histories based on scientific
as well as traditional historical research, including myself.
The 14 ancient dog breeds with "genetic
fingerprints" said to be
similar to those of wolves are:
· Afghan Hound
· Akita
· Alaskan Malamute
· Basenji
· Chow Chow
· Lhasa Apso
· Pekingese
· Saluki
· Samoyed
· Shar-pei
· Shiba Inu
· Shih Tzu
· Siberian Husky
· Tibetian Terrier

of the
Chow Chow
On the other hand, breeders and owners of these 14 breeds,
especially the natural breeds such as the Akita, Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky, may
find themselves getting many more questions about their dogs being just like
wolves. In our view, that is not what the researchers are saying, even though
the reports in the some of the news media make it seem that way.
While the researchers note the links between the
genetic fingerprints for the wolves included in the study and the 14 breeds, they also
state in the Science article that dogs from these breeds may be the best
living representatives of the ancestral dog gene pool [p. 1164]. In other
words, they are very clear that these 14 breeds are dogs, representative of the changes
that occurred as dogs were tamed, either by humans or by the adaptation of some wolves to
living close to human settlements in order to benefit from the good supply of food.
[ Ray and Lorna
Coppinger, co-authors of Dogs:
A Startling New Understanding of Canine Origin,
Behavior & Evolution, theorize that some wolves partly tamed
themselves by living around human villages for the benefit of scavenging for waste food.
Those animals least afraid of people and least aggressive got the extra food, reproduced
successfully and over time created semidomestic dogs that people later more fully
domesticated and then developed into many different breeds. See the WorkingDogWeb interview with Ray and Lorna for more on this idea ].
A remarkable aspect of this research, led by
Elaine A. Ostrander at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, is having
these 14 very old breeds with so many different looks or phenotypes fall into one cluster
by their genetic fingerprints. It demonstrates just how variable the dogs gene
pool is, and how many different body types can be developed from the basic dog genetic
blueprints. And that, in fact, development of such variation occurred with the early dogs.
What the results show is that the Akita, Alaskan Malamute,
Chow Chow, Samoyed or Siberian Husky -- the medium to large natural breeds -- are
just as much like a wolf in their genetic fingerprints as are the Pekingese,
Lhasa Apso or Shih Tzu -- the small toy breeds in the ancient group. Or as much like a wolf as the short-coated
Basenji from Africa or the wrinkle-coated Shar-pei from China.
Or the tall, long-coated sighthounds, the Afghan
Hound and the Saluki. |

Especially for owners of Akitas, Alaskan Malamutes,
Chow Chows, Samoyeds and Siberian Huskies -- already more used to questions such as,
"Is that a wolf?" or "Is your dog part wolf?" -- the fact that the
Pekingese, Saluki and other distinctive breeds carry this same ancient genetic signature
as their own may be helpful when answering questions. One might say something like
this: "All dogs are closely related to wolf, the dog's ancestor, but my dog is
no closer to a wolf than a Pekingese or a Saluki is. They are all part of a unique group
of ancient dogs." That helps put it in historically accurate context, and at
the same time helps clarify that these new results do not suggest these breeds are wolfish
in behavior.
Another aspect of the research that is important
to remember is that only 85 breeds were used in the study, of some 152 breeds recognized
by the AKC and of some 400 or more breeds known world-wide. If even half of the
known breeds were analyzed in a similar way, the number of breeds falling into the ancient
group could be expected to increase, perhaps even double.
Spitz family breeds missing from the study include dogs
such as the following -- from Europe, Asia and also North America:
· Canaan Dog of Israel
· Finnish spitz
· Karelian bear dog
· Lapland spitz or lapphund
· Norwegian sheepdog or buhund, and the
Norwegian spitz or lundehund
· Russian laikas
· Swedish elkhound or jamthund
· Inuit Dog, Eskimo Dog and Greenland Eskimo
dog of North America |

Other less well known breeds from
Scandinavia, Japan and Korea, as well as the dingo, New Guinea Singing Dog and the pariah
or village dogs of India and Southeast Asia -- listed among the Spitz and Primitive Breeds
-- are also missing from the study. An expanded study including all the breeds that
Peter Savolainen used in his research could be enlightening.
The study did have some surprises, especially the
suggestion that three breeds -- the Norwegian Elkhound, Pharaoh Hound and Ibizan Hound --
are not as old as typically stated, but rather are more recent recreations of old types.
Also, six pairs of breeds are closely related: Alaskan Malamute and Siberian
Husky, Belgian Sheepdog and Belgian Turvuren, Collie and Shetland Sheepdog, Greyhound and
Whippet, Bernese Mountain Dog and Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, and finally the Bullmastiff
and Mastiff.
Finally, it is worth remembering that as these
breeds are designated as ancient, that means they have been distinct from
wolves for thousands of years, even if there was an occasional recrossing to wolves --
wild or tamed -- over the millenia. The earliest dating given for dog domestication,
based on archaeological discoveries of ancient bones, is about 15,000 years ago. But
some evolutionary biologists say the dog-wolf split goes back much further, because 15,000
years is not enough for the dog genome to have accumulated so many genetic changes or
[ See the WorkingDogWeb article on the early
dates for dog origins for more].
Because this new study has received considerable news
converage around the world [see links to news stories below], it is imperative that people
who care about these 14 breeds learn about the research and its implications.
Those who care about these breeds need to be able to explain to others that these breeds
are clearly domestic dogs, with the traits of dogs: smaller size, smaller jaws and
teeth, ability to breed twice a year, and greatly reduced fear and aggression coupled with
great friendliness with people, some key traits that make a dog a dog.
[ For more about the very specific differences
between wolves and dogs, see the recent article in RSH Online discussing why Siberians
are not more like wolves than other
breeds. ]
Given the complex dog legislation that is proposed in
different state or provincial legislatures from time to time, it is really important that
we give a clear, firm answer about our breeds when people try to say they are "just
like wolves." That's simply not true. And in fact, one more point. The genetic
research makes it clear that once domesticated dogs existed, early people typically
preferred to breed them to each other rather than starting again with taming wolves
or crossbreeding their dogs frequently with wolves. At least that is what the female
canine lineages [based on the genetics of mitochondrial DNA] show.
More is certain to be learned about the genetics
of the dog and the origins of breeds in the months and years ahead. It is wise for
serious breeders and fanciers to stay abreast of the research and its implications for
breeding, dog health and more.

OTHER breeds in the study,
in their specific grouping, adapted from the explanations of the four groups in the
article in Science:
Mastiff Breeds:
French Bulldog
Miniature Bulldog
Perro de Presa Canario
Bernese Mountain Dog
German Shepherd Dog
. |
Herding Breeds:
Belgian Sheepdog
Belgian Turvuren
Shetland Sheepdog
Irish Wolfhound*
Saint Bernard*
* Not known as livestock dogs, these four may have been ancestors to the herding dogs.
. |
Hunting Breeds:
Basset Hound
Cairn Terrier
Cocker Spaniel
Golden Retriver
Irish Setter
Labrador Retriever
and other spaniels, terriers, pointers, retrievers, and scent hounds. |
© 2004 Barbara Bradley Petura,
To Learn
More: [ Top ]
Startling New Understanding of Canine Origin, Behavior &
Evolution by Raymond & Lorna Coppinger
READ: A Review of Ray & Lorna Coppinger's
"Dogs: A Startling New Understanding of Canine
Origins, Behavior & Evolution" by Barbara Bradley Petura,
READ: An Interview with Ray & Lorna
Coppinger with Barbara Bradley Petura, webmaster
READ: Humans Brought Domesticated Dogs to New World More Than 12,000
Years Ago, Researchers Report and Dogs Evolved in Asia, by Barbara Bradley
Petura, webmaster
READ: Dogs May Date Back 100,000 Years by
Barbara Bradley Petura, webmaster, 1997 article
LINKS: Try the following for more
research or journalistic articles:
· Dog
Genome Holds a Wealth of Information for Human Health
Official news release
from the research team that identified the "genetic
fingerprints" of 85 breeds of dogs, May 2004
· Breeds
Apart: Purebred dogs identified by DNA differences
Science News, with chart of the 4 groups, May 2004
· Pooch breeds
identified by genes - BBC, May 2004
· 10
Progenitor Dog Types Suggested by Researcher with the types
being sight hounds, scent hounds, working/guard dogs, northern breeds,
flushing spaniels, water spaniels and retrievers, pointers, terriers,
dogs, and toy/companion dogs.
· Dogs
Evolved to Read Human Cues & More Dog Research
Summaries with links to more details
· CNN:
Origin of Dogs Traced to China
Date: November 23, 2002 | By the Associated Press
· Nature
Science Update: Stone Age Man Kept a Dog
Date: November 23, 2002 | By
Kendall Powell
· BBC:
Origins of Dog Traced
Date: November 22, 2002 | By Christine McGourty
· New York Times:
"From Wolf to Dog - Yes But When?"
Date: November 22, 2002 | By Nicholas Wade
· Three
Dog Eves: Canine Diaspora from East Asia to Americas
November 23, 2002 | Science News Online
· UCLA News
Release: Humans Brought Domestic Dogs to New World
Date: December 2, 2002 | Contact: Stuart Wolpert,
· Molecular Evolution of the Dog Family,
· The Multiple and Ancient Origins of the
Domestic Dog, Science
· Relevance of
the Canine Genome Project to Dog Health

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