Links of the Week 2001-2003
November 2-December 13, 2003
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Build the Bond with Your Dog:
Whether your dog is a competitive canine, beloved companion or both, you two will
benefit from a routine of rituals that strengthen your relationship. Enjoy!
August 31-November 1, 2003
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How to pick a Working Puppy:
Here are strategies for observing puppies and simple tests to assess their courage
and interest in participating, good for identifying pups for working programs.
August 3-30, 2003
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Gutsy Musher Prepares for 4th
Iditarod: Karen Ramstead's passion is long-distance sled dog racing
with purebred Siberian Huskies. Here's our interview with her on breeding, training and
distance racing.
July 13-August 2, 2003
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Commandments of Agility Training: Here's sage advice on training for
success in this popular dog sport, plus two illustrated critiques of agility handling to expand
your expertise.
June 8-July 12, 2003
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How Guide Dogs Work:
We continue featuring dogs whose work helps people's personal lives. This article
looks at how guide dogs
are chosen, trained, the specific tasks they do, and more.
May 11-June 7, 2003
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Training Therapy Dogs: Dogs need
more than obedience training for therapy work including adjustment to unusual sounds,
extensive touching and more. Here's a great outline for a training program.
April 1-May 10, 2003
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15 Steps to Dog Obedience
Training: Start by training the easiest command, then use 14 more
pieces of great advice on duration of training, distraction, distance, differences, and
more "D's."
March 9-30, 2003
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The Overlooked Step in
Teaching Come: Is your dog more socially or environmentally oriented? What
"emotion" does the command evokes? Those factors can influence your dog's
response to "come."
February 16-March 8, 2003
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Communicate with your
Dog: Improve your ability to read dog body language and vocalizations,
and explore how your dog reads your communication via attitudes & facial
expressions & tone of voice.
January 12-February 15, 2003
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Timidity Can Be Avoided:
Early socialization is the key to raising a pup free of timidity and fear
aggression. This week's link offers a thorough socialization plan starting at a pup's 16th
December 15, 2002 - January 11, 2003
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The Third Way:
While similar to reward training, this approach puts an emphasis on cues to shape a dog's
behavior. Dogs are very good at reading cues as new research on dog origins and
psychology shows.
December 1-14, 2002
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Deepening Relationships
with Dogs: Enjoy this excerpt from Suzanne Clothier's thoughtful new book on human-dog
relationships and communication. Then order the book through the link at left.
November 17-30, 2002
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Case for Motivational
Training of Working Dogs: A trainer of police and search & rescue
dogs describes advantages of using postive motivation rather than compulsion in training
working dogs.
October 27-November 16, 2002
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In Praise of Working Dog
Temperament: Explore two of the critical elements of a top working dog's
personality: nerve and resilence. See how these qualities combine into a dog that loves to
September 22-October 26, 2002
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Learning about Punishment from
Dogs Themselves: If we observe dogs interacting, including mother dogs and pups, we
find they teach each other right behavior from wrong, using firm punishment if needed.
September 8-21, 2002
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Legacy of Sirius:
Remember the canine heroes of the September 11 tragedies, including Sirius. Meet
Sprig, Officer Lim's new partner. See pictures from the Westminster salute. See WDW's tribute.
August 11-September 7, 2002
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The Sport of Dog Tracking:
Here's a great intoduction to a sport for any healthy dog, with training logs,
sample tracks, glossary, helpful links, breed and equipment information, more. Try it!
July 21-August 10, 2002
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Heywood Learns
to Learn: How do you teach an adopted, 4-year-old Rottweiler mix that "tunes
out" training? A change to hand signals and a clicker was the key to unlock Heywood's
June 9-July 20, 2002
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Are You Reinforcing the Wrong
Behavior? Reinforcement is the key to all training, yet those who don't know its power
can encourage dogs to repeat undesired behavior. Vivid examples provided!
April 28-June 8, 2002
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Author Jon Katz on Working Dogs:
In an interview with WDW, Jon shares his vivid experiences with two lively Border Collies
- and his new-found passion for working dog training and field trials.
April 7-27, 2002
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Teaching the
"Indication" in SAR Dogs: Teaching search and rescue dogs to
indicate or signal their discovery of a target is a key skill. The process has
implications for all training.
March 24-April 6, 2002
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A Sheep
Herding Pup Begins Learning: An experienced trainer of herding dogs introduces a pup
to its future work and allows its instincts and exploration to help shape its learning.
March 10-23, 2002
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K9 Training:
what & when & why: Learn from a police dog trainer how to match training to an
individual dog's learning style and to train WITH a dog's drives for greater success.
February 24 - March 9, 2002
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Find a Dog Event: Looking for
a dog show, agility or obedience trial, or a flyball or Schutzhund competition? Try the
Dog Calendar at Or add your event.
February 10-23, 2002
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Dog Training: The "whole dog" approach avoids the extremes -
reinforcement only or force only - using reward and social relationship conditioning and
physical control.
January 27-February 9, 2002
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Social Styles
for Dogs & Humans: From mellow to headstrong to hypersensitive to
hyperresponsive, here are canine social styles that can help you understand and train your
dog well.
January 13-26, 2002
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The Harmony Programme: You find the
dominance or wolf pack approach to solving a dog's behavior problems is not working. Read
this animal behaviorist's discoveries and new approach.
December 23, 2001-January 12, 2002
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The Secret of
Communicating with Your Dog: Because of their accute senses, dogs are
aware of things before we are, and you can learn to read their body cues to great benefit.
December 16-22, 2001
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Avoid Holiday
Hazards for Your Dog: Fat, candy, chocolate, Christmas tree water with
preservatives, certain plants all can be a problem. Here's a handy master list of dangers to dogs.
December 2-15, 2001
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Eggs & Ham and Dog Training: This article applies the whimsy of Dr.
Seuss to dog training -- especially to keeping your dog from getting stale or in a
"patterned" rut. Fun!
November 25-December 1,
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Use Cues with your Dogs:
Learn first about how you "cue" your dogs, and then about enjoyable games
to play to teach your family's dogs to "bond," obey and play well together.
Nov. 18-24, 2001
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Why Dogs Are Special: For
this Thanksgiving, we offer a thoughtful article on the value of dogs in human lives, from
play and touch to loyalty and love. Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov. 4-17, 2001
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Aggression Basics:
All dog owners need to know why a dog may growl or snap, and what it seeks to
communicate. Learn about the fight/bite ratio, assessing an aggressive dog, more.
Oct. 21 - Nov. 3, 2001
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Suzie's Story - A Training
Saga: This vivid story of a Boxer dog learning obedience and the
agility sport is filled with valuable lessons for dog owners, no matter the dog sport.
Oct. 14-20, 2001
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Therapy Dogs
Raise Spirits at Ground Zero: As workers cleared the World Trade Center
site, some special dogs trained to comfort people made a big difference in morale..
Sept. 30-Oct. 13, 2001
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How I Made the Team:
Musher Pam Flowers made a major trek across the Arctic with sled dogs. Here's one of her
stories about working dogs and about reaching goals.
September 16-29, 2001
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Dogs aid in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. See the new page from
WorkingDogWeb -- Search Dogs in Action
in NY & DC plus
American & Canadian Dogs on Front Line
September 2-15, 2001
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Getting Personal -
Specialized Commands: Dog
trainers often find they need special commands to help a dog fine-tune its performance.
See how to teach "charge," "easy" and more!
August 19-September
1, 2001
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Never Never Say It Say It Twice
Twice: Following up on the most recent link, here are more thoughts on
giving your dog a command, timing, solving "double speak" and more.
August 5-18, 2001
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12 Tips for a Well-Behaved Dog:
While the first tips will be familiar, read on for those about giving a dog a
command, about use of your voice, timing, and control of emotions.
July 22-August 4, 2001
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Capturing the Spirit of the
Working Dog in Photographs: This illustrated, five-part article on photographing the
working dog by photographer Dennis Glennon is filled with valuable tips.
July 8-21, 2001
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Travel & Your Dog: It's
summer travel season, so this week's link offers tips and advice on how best to travel
with your dog or to leave your dog with a petsitter or other caregiver.
June 17-July 4, 2001
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Ray & Lorna Coppinger on
Dog Origins & Behavior: Our new interview with the Coppingers provides great
insights on dog behavior and training - including the role of play!
June 3-16, 2001
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Puppy Testing: Whether you're
choosing a pup for a working dog or for a family pet, this test - based on dog research by
Scott and Fuller - can help you find a smart, stable puppy.
May 20-June 2, 2001
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The 3 stages in educating a dog for a particular action are teaching, reward
variation, and proofing. Proofing often needs drive-correction-drive work. See how.
May 13-20, 2001
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method to reduce "hyperactivity": Many dogs bark and strain
wildly at the sight of strange dogs. See how a trainer uses a "two-reward"
method to stop that behavior.
May 6-12, 2001
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Successful Obedience Training:
Learn the secrets of an obedience trainer who took her Lab from Novice A to OTCH.
Relevant to training for many different dog sports and work.
April 29-May 5, 2001
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Stress in Training: You
have a well-trained dog at home that does not respond consistently in the performance
arena where treats are missing. What do you do? Click here!
April 22-28, 2001
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Crazy Things Dogs Do to Avoid
Training: Notice your dog's behavior when trying to avoid a command, such as
turning limp like Jell-o or going stiff as a board. What's a trainer to do?
April 15-21, 2001
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Behavior Tips for Puppy
Owners: The best puppy training requires owners to help the pup succeed by not making
mistakes -- in housebreaking, chewing control and more.
April 8-14, 2001
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Smart Dogs/Dumb Dogs:
Are there smart breeds and dumb breeds? Some say yes, some no. Here's an solid
assessment of dog smarts by group and the implications for dog trainers.
April 1-7, 2001
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ABCs of Canine Learning: Dogs
link prior actions and factors, [antecedents], to their behavior as well as link their
behavior to consequences. What do these ABCs mean for trainers?

CLICK ABOVE to browse our dog bookstore - thanks!
March 25-31, 2001
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Dealing with Sibling
Rivalries: Whether raising two littermates or introducing a new dog to
a current one, you need to know how to manage canine and human roles and relationships.
March 18-24, 2001
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The right way to
praise your dog: How you praise and control your working dog has a
major impact on its performance. Learn how to use firm, calm praise to separate play from
March 11-17, 2001
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Discipline versus
Punishment: Understand the differences in these two ideas -- often used
interchangeably -- and you'll find two quite different approaches to training your dog.
March 4-10, 2001
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Max von Stephanitz on
Training & Breeding: explore ideas on working dogs from the German
Shepherd breed's founder, and learn about his
influence and German
Shepherd history.
February 25-March 3, 2001
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Dogs More Like Dogs: Noted dog writer Ian Dunbar examines the need to treat,
discipline -- and train -- dogs as if they were dogs, not wolves or human beings.
February 18-24, 2001
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Science of Animal Learning:
Explore the scientific approach to animal learning and see why a clicker can be a better
for positive dog training than primary reinforcers like food.
January 28-February 17,
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Overcoming Shyness
& Shy Dog Tips:
Whether you're helping a timid pup be brave or socializing a seriously shy rescue dog,
you'll find helpful ideas for your own behavior in these links.
January 21-27, 2001 - No longer available
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Dealing with Difficult
Dogs: Extinction, counter-conditioning, desensitization and flooding
are four behavior modification methods explained for helping solve dog behavior problems.
January 13-20, 2001
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Dogs: Busy Canines are Happier & Healthier: Enjoy an ABC News
report on the changes in dogs' behavior when they stop lounging and get specific jobs and
January 7-13, 2001
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Reinforcement Training: Go beyond giving your dog praise and rewards to develop
strong social bonds and trust, and use that relationship to shape your dog's behavior.
Dec. 31, 2000 - Jan. 6,
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Attitude Adjustment Program:
Are there aspects of your dog's behavior in need of improvement? Here's a
thoughtful and firm approach to help your dog make those changes! |