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Each week, we feature an article on dog behavior, training or sports that we find useful and interesting for dog owners.  Click for Index.

HollySprig.bmp (1654 bytes) December 24-30, 2000             [ Top ] [ Past Picks ]
Angel Eyes: Here is the inspiring story of a young woman who raises Golden puppies to become seeing eye dogs. Just enjoy her tale and photos, or read full details on how it's done!

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Dog Whispere


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Genetics and the
Social Behavior of
the Dog


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Past Links of the Week 2000

HollySprig.bmp (1654 bytes) December 17-23, 2000                          [ Top ]
Creative Toys & Play: Christmas is a time for toys, for people and dogs. Click here for lots of ideas and pictures of calming and stimulating dog toys plus dog games and play. Enjoy!

HollySprig.bmp (1654 bytes) December 10-16, 2000                          [ Top ]
Have a Safe Holiday with Your Dog: At Christmas, our homes are filled with unusual items like trees and tinsel that are attractive, and possibly harmful, to dogs. Click for details!

December 3-9, 2000                                  [ Top ]
Teaching No Bite! Command: One frequently asked question is how to stop puppies from biting. Here you learn not only the first steps -- but what to do if these steps don't work!

November 26-December 2, 2000                     [ Top ]
How to Train "Difficult Breeds"  Some dogs have been bred for specific tasks, making it hard to train for obedience or agility. Here's sound advice on how to tackle the challenge.

November 19-25, 2000                                [ Top ]
When Dog Trainers Drive their Dogs Crazy: A Border Collie trainer examines the behavior of an agitated working dog -- and the training that troubled this good-tempered dog.

November 12-18, 2000                                [ Top ]
When Should Puppy Training Start? Two veterinarians suggest  training should start at 7 to 8 weeks when a pup arrives home, not after a longer socialization period. Click to read why.

November 5-11, 2000                                [ Top ]
Dogs' Abilities to Know: WDW's Editor asks biologist and author Rupert Sheldrake about his research on dogs' apparent special abilities to sense and know more than we realize.

October 29-November 4, 2000                      [ Top ]
What's that Dog Saying? Here's a fun and vivid way to learn more about dog body language and status posturing -- plus solutions for problem cases. Don't miss Ornery the Terrier!

October 22-28, 2000                                 [ Top ]
Brain Work & Tricks for Dogs: Vary your dog's training with these useful tricks, problem-solving activities, more. Reduce training boredom and develop a more helpful, smarter dog.

October 15-21, 2000                                [ Top ]
101 Reinforcers & More: Find new foods, toys and activities to reinforce correct behaviors in training. And continue for the story of a dog that learns what a clicker is all about.

October 8-14, 2000                                 [ Top ]
Dog's Social Behavior: Explore the important role of bonding between a puppy and the "super alpha" or key human in its life, plus the impact of social behavior on training.

October 1-7, 2000                                  [ Top ]
Spoiling Your Dog?  Do you allow your dog to do things that "spoil" him or "humanize" her? Develop a close bond with your dog without putting your pet in the wrong place in your home.

September 24-30, 2000                            [ Top ]
Top Canine Behavior Myths: Do dogs prefer to spend their time outside? Do dogs feel guilt for misbehavior? Explore some popular attitudes about dog behavior at this K9 FAQ site.

September 17-23, 2000                            [ Top ]
The risk of bribing your dog with food: Using food treats often appears quite useful in dog training, but it has high risks when you need to curb powerful instinctive behavior.

September 10-16, 2000                            [ Top ]
Types of Training Rewards & More: Learn about intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, how to reward dogs without food, and how to structure training sessions to increase your dog's success.

September 3-9, 2000                              [ Top ]
Positive about Punishment: Learn how your careful use of mild punishment can get a dog's attention and prepare it to learn correct behavior and earn praise for good work.

August 27-September 2, 2000                     [ Top ]
Training an Energetic Big Puppy: In this Q & A, a frustrated owner of a big pup named Milo learns about leadership, trust, fair expectation levels, and positive training strategies.

August 13-26, 2000                                [ Top ]
Madison the Service Dog:   Enjoy the stories of Madison learning to be a service dog, Maddie who almost made it and new pup Denali. Explore "puppy raising" a future service dog.

July 30-August 12, 2000                            [ Top ]
Just Call Me George: Discover the impact of working dogs and the joy of the human-canine bond in this heart-warming story of George Salpietro and Karl, his German Shepherd guide dog.

July 16-29, 2000                                    [ Top ]
Part III - Breeding Working Dogs: After evaluating your dog's working strengths and weaknesses, how do you find the best mate to strengthen working qualities in your line?

July 2-15, 2000                                     [ Top ]
Part II - Evaluating Working Dogs: Use field trials and training tests to evaluate a dog's working qualities, strengths and weaknesses before making your breeding decisions.

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25 Stupid Mistakes
Dog Owners Make


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Great Owners
Great Dogs


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21 Days to a
Trained Dog


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How to
Speak Dog


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Home Veterinary


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Jumping from
A to Z


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Culture Clash


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Yukon Alone


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Choosing the
Perfect Dog


June 25-July 1, 2000                               [ Top ]
Part I - Working Temperament & Breeding:  Discover the differences between working temperament and personality, and the importance of temperament to dog training and breeding.

June 18-24, 2000                                   [ Top ]
Behavior Drives & Training: Most dog behavior results from drives or instincts that fall into three basic categories. Trainers can shape a dog's behavior by cueing these drives.

June 11-17, 2000                                   [ Top ]
Thinking the way animals do: Gain new insights on how animals think and learn, including the powerful influence of emotions, and discover how to avoid negative, fear-based learning.

June 4-10, 2000                                     [ Top ]
Take Your Dog to Work Day June 23: Now's the time to get ready to explore this new kind of "working dog" activity. Some employers see dogs at work as a morale booster. Enjoy!

May 28-June 3, 2000                               [ Top ]
Body Language Info & Quiz: Do you match your body language and voice tones when giving your dog a command? Can you tell a scared dog from an angry but submissive one? Learn here.

May 21-27, 2000                                    [ Top ]
Puppy Socialization & Habituation Part II: Breeders and owners must give puppies systematic and thorough exposure to varied environmental stimuli, within health constraints. Here's how.

May 14-20, 2000                                    [ Top ]
Puppy Socialization & Habituation Part I: What's the difference between socialization and habituation, and what happens when pups don't experience these critical steps?

May 7-13, 2000                                     [ Top ]
Canine Communication: Do you know what dogs are telling each other when they yawn?  Sneeze?  Sniff the ground as they approach? Discover fascinating aspects of dog body language!

April 30-May 6, 2000                                [ Top ]
The Education of Lacy: This German Shepherd pup will grow up to be an agility and obedience dog. Here's how her owner uses 6 key weeks to introduce her to important activities.

April 23-29, 2000                                    [ Top ]
Learning Strategies & Dog Training: Discover four different kinds of reinforcement, how these rewards and punishments work, and how you can shape dog training to use them.

April 9-22, 2000                                     [ Top ]
Canine Body Language & Dog Talk: Learn to understand your dogs better by knowing the subtle differences in wolf and dog  expressions, vocalizations and tail positions. With 13 sketches.

April 2-8, 2000                                      [ Top ]
Taming the Dominant Dog: Springtime is puppy time, so it's time for a thoughtful article on handling a dominant pup with authority and kindness, to develop the kind of dog you want.

March 26-April 1, 2000                             [ Top ]
Rewards, Lures & Bribes for Dogs: Improve your training and your dog's behavior by understanding the different types of rewards, lures and bribes and when to use them effectively.

March 19-25, 2000                                 [ Top ]
NEW VIEWS: What are the basic elements of weight pull, and how do you begin training your dog for a sport that many different breeds can enjoy? Click for the article with photos.

March 12-18, 2000                                  [ Top ]
NEW VIEWS: Discover a new dog sport that "extends the envelope of obedience," canine freestyle. Learn how a trainer and dog work together. Click for Article 1 & Article 2.

March 5-11, 2000                                  [ Top ]
IDITAROD 2000: To recognize the start of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, we feature The Race to Save the Sled Dogs about Iditarod origins, its founder and great daily race coverage.

February 27-March 4, 2000                       [ Top ]
A - Z Dog Breed Alphabet: For Leap Year week, we feature a unique & fun dog site offering breed info, pictures,  greeting cards, chat, webrings, more -- all by breed, A to Z.

February 20-26, 2000                             [ Top ]
It Takes a Pack to Raise a Puppy: Learn the "roles" you must play daily in a pup's life and in replacement for littermates, in order to rear a well-adjusted, well-behaved dog.

heart1.gif (178 bytes)February 6-19, 2000                         [ Top ]
NEW VIEWS: Explore this training program for therapy dogs that bring love to people in nursing homes, hospitals.  Get the Valentine's spirit!  Click for article.

January 30-February 5, 2000                    [ Top ]
NEW VIEWS: Discover the use of creative play training as a useful part of training dogs for obedience work, including scent recognition for utility and tracking. Click for article.

January 23-29, 2000                             [ Top ]
NEW VIEWS: See dog training and motivation through new eyes with an experienced trainer of competitive herding dogs and stock dogs. Click here for a 3-part series of articles.

January 16-22, 2000                             [ Top ]
NEW VIEWS: Gain new perspectives on dog training with a  Yukon Quest champion who trains dogs for the demanding long-distance sled dog racing sport. Click here for article.

January 9-15, 2000                              [ Top ]
NEW VIEWS: Explore fresh ideas about dog training with   experts who train, condition and motivate dogs for the increasingly popular sport of agilityClick for article.

January 1-8, 2000                                [ Top ]
NEW VIEWS: To start the new year, explore fresh ideas about dog training with an expert who trains people to train and motivate search and rescue dogs. Click for article.

December 19-31, 1999                          [ Top ]
ThumbUp.gif (192 bytes) 20th CENTURY'S TOP DOGS: More than 7,500 votes were cast for the century's most important dogs -- and among the top 10 are famous and heroic dogs as well as popular cartoon canines. Click here for poll results.

HollySprig.bmp (1654 bytes) December 12-18, 1999                    [ Top ]
HEALTHY HOLIDAYS FOR DOGS: To keep your dogs safe and healthy during this festive season, check out two helpful sites, Holiday Pet Hazards and What not to feed your dog.
EXTRA: Veterinarians offer 10 helpful holiday tips

HollySprig.bmp (1654 bytes) December 5-11, 1999                     [ Top ]
THERAPY DOG STORIES: Here are 5 warm-hearted stories of therapy dogs and their owners: Bailey the Siberian Husky & Carlee the Rottweiler & Cedric the Golden Retriever & Cody the Leonberger & Kudzu the Coonhound.

For many more recommended Links of the Week
on dog behavior, activities and training, go to:

Links of the Week for 2001 | Links of the Week for 1999
Links of the Week for 2001-2003

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at Comic
Canine Cartoons!

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star-red.gif (874 bytes)Click banner to find great products for 135 breeds from Affenpinscher
to Doberman, German Shepherd to Labrador, Rottweiller to Siberian Husky,
Weimaraner to Yorkshire Terrier, more! 
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Good Citizen

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to learn "Doglish"

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Introduction to
Dog Agility

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Best Dog

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Power of Positive
Dog Training

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Updated 1/4/2014

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