All-Around &
[ Top ] [ Criteria ]
This is a tale of a working pup growing up, info on dog sports including schutzhund,
agility, many photos, good organization. 12/03 
National White German Shepherd
Rescue: Neat design, fine use of color, breed and rescue details, helpful K9 resources
make a winner! 11/03
Crew: A wonderful site filled with appealing Corgi photos, a heart-warming rescue
story, health resources and more. Super! 11/03
with a Mission USA: Breeding Labrador Retriever,
German Shepherd search dogs, plus story of Cholo at Ground Zero. Fine job! 11/03
Xin-feng Chow Chows: wonderful
site design, great photos of their three Chow Chows, breed history, feeding and more make
a winner! 10/03
Tritia's Town and Country Cockers:
a personal site about two puppies, with helpful information, fine design, charming photos,
more! Super! 10/03
SierraVista Labradoodles: Creative
design, helpful breed information, FAQ on allergy friendly dogs, appealing photos and
more. A winner! 10/03
Nordom Chesapeakes:
Super site with breed background, kennel history emphasizing working dogs, great photo
gallery and much more! 8/03
Wytoka American Hairless Terriers:
Big site with history of this new breed, care, standard, breed "firsts," fun
stuff, more. Super! 7/03
Crissy and Sandy's Home Page: Where
you'll meet dogs Max, Bash,Tess, Jackson, Emily and lure coursing, agility, herding,
more. Wow! 6/03
Daily Drool: A delightful site for Bassett Hound lovers with e-cards, discussion list,
chat, breed FAQ and graphics, and more fun! 3/03
Spring Creek Labradoodles:
This exceptional site is well designed, has great photos and valuable breed history and
health info. Super! 12/02
Agility Club: Clean design and navigation coupled with helpful agility information and
continuous news updates make a winner! 12/02
Dusilla Whippets: This
handsome site features fine design, great photos, helpful breed information on standard
and health, more. Bravo! 12/02
Wind Ridge
Imperial Shih Tzu and Maltese: Learn about the origins of these two small breeds and
enjoy delightful photos of them. 12/02
Dobermans PermReg: Health and other breed information, eCards, recipes, plus photos
and details of their dogs make a winner! 12/02
Ceppo Rosso Chow Chows: Handsome
design, clear navigation, fine photographs, breed standard and profile,more, make a
winner! 9/02
Komaksiut Siberian Huskies: This
fine site has breed history, appealing photographs of Siberian sled dogs, so much more.
Great! 8/02
to be Bare: Filled with vivid colors, remarkable photographs of Chinese Crested, breed
history and care details, it's super! 8/02
Italian Greyhounds: Attractive design, appealing photographs, detailed breed and
training information, more, make a fine site! 8/02
Musical Dog Sport: Clean, attractive
design, vivid photographs of freestyle competitors, and details on this new sport make a
winning site! 8/02
Laughing Dog Press: Canine lovers
with a funny bone can get the real scoop on breeds, sports, read funny stories, Ask
Laughing Dog, more! 8/02
Gold Coast Mastiffs: Enjoy super
pictures of Mastiffs in obedience, Schuthund, carting, plus carting info, kennel details.
Great! 6/02
Australian Cattle Dogs: Discover Australian Cattle Dogs through words and pictures at
this appealing, well organized site. Bravo! 6/02
von Gaudihof Hovawarts:
This is a fine place to learn about Hovawarts, a working and guarding breed, and about
suitable owners. Fun! 5/02
This site helps find homes for retired racing greyhounds, gives breed and sport history,
great photos too! 3/02
Wonderful stories of Newfoundlands as companions and therapy dogs plus breed information,
pictures, more. Super! 2/02
German Shepherd Dogs: Great pictures of working dogs, helpful questions & answers
on health, training, much more. Bravo! 2/02
Hill Coton de Tulear: Clean design, clear navigation, interesting breed information,
plus stories and appealing photos earn honors! 2/02
Eclipse Boston Terriers:
Excellent design and navigation, many handsome photos, plus helpful breed information and
links make a winner. 2/02
Aeyrie Borzoi: Wonderful breed articles plus Borzoi pictures, pedigrees, ancestor
listing, helpful links, library, more. Super! 2/02
Shetland Sheepdogs: In-depth site with great illustrated page on colors of Shelties,
breed info, health & vet care, more! 1/02 Breed
history, appealing photo gallery, facts and fun stuff, and rescue links add up to a fine
site. Bravo! 1/02
at This fine site offers stories of dogs worldwide, plus info on breeds,
health, nutrition, legal matters, much more. 1/02
Covey Run
German Shorthaired Pointers: Big guide for new puppy owners, a page on dog naming,
plus kennel information make a winner! 1/02