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People of the Owl

(First North Americans
Series - Book 11)

Review of a Series of Historical Novels

The First North Americans Series
by Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear

If you enjoy historical fiction and want to experience the lives of the first peoples in many parts of North America, this remarkable series is for you. If you start with The People of the Wolf, the first book, you will journey with people who crossed the Bering Land Bridge or Beringia into North America and are wending their way south in the brutally cold world of the late Ice Age more than 10,000 years ago.
Read the full review.

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 PeopleOftheWolf.jpg (6557 bytes)

People of the Wolf
(The First North Americans
Series - Book 1)


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People of the Earth
(The First North Americans
Series - Book 3)


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the Gears' famous
Anasazi mysteries!


     Review: Series of Historical Novels, continued [ Top ]
The First North Americans Series
by Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear

If you enjoy historical novels for the sense of time travel into the past, the Gears' "vehicle" in the form of these books will take you to many times and places in North America. Locales range from Ice Age California to sites of early civilizations including Cahokia in Illinois, Poverty Point in Louisiana and more.

The authors bring to their writing not only the ability to weave fascinating tales of human lives and passions, but also the expertise of professional archaeologists.   Their depth of knowledge brings great authenticity to their writing.

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People of the Fire

(The First North
Series - Book 2)

Still, as readers, we must be willing to try to walk in the moccasins or sandals of the various characters and try to experience their world view. Here are the books in the First North Americans Series, some of the 33 books the Gears have written together or separately.  See below for their biographies and Anasazi mystery novels.

People of the Wolf [Book 1]: In this first novel in the series, the Gears set their story among the tribes of people who are crossing or have crossed the vast land bridge that connected Alaska and Siberia when the giant glaciers on land caused sea levels to drop. The climate is warming, glaciers melting and the sea is reclaiming parts of the land, so people must be inventive to survive.  Given the experiments with the shapes of their spear points, we know they are the ancestors of the famous Clovis people.

People of the Fire [Book 2]: In this second novel in the series, the Gears continue the story of ancient people as they cope with environmental changes including drought and fire, as well as fears and passions of their men and women.

People of the Earth [Book 3]:  In this second novel in the series, the Gears continue the saga, focusing their story on the conflicts between the Earth People and Sun People.

People of the River [Book [4]: In this fourth novel in their First North Americans series, the Gears set their story among the people of the Mississippian culture. These people lived between 700 A.D. and 1500 A.D. in the area surrounding Cahokia in what is today the state of Illinois.

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People of the River (The First North
Series - Book 4)

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People of the Sea
(The First North
Series - Book 5)



People of the Sea [Book 5]:  In this fifth novel, the Gears set their story 12,000 years ago in coastal California. The giant glaciers that cover much of the earth are melting, waters are rising. As the climate changes, the huge animals the people once hunted are disappearing and people must adapt.

People of the Lakes [Book 6]:  In this sixth novel, the Gears set their story 2,000 years ago among the Hopewell Mound Builder people of the Great Lakes region.

People of the Lightning [Book 7]:   In this seventh novel, the Gears set their story amid an ancient fishing culture in Florida.

People of the Silence [Book 8]:   In this eighth novel, the setting shifts to the American Southwest, home to the Anasazi empire circa 1150 A.D.

People of the Mist [Book 9]:  In this ninth novel, the setting moves to the Chesapeake Bay 600 years ago among the Algonquin Nation.

PeopleOftheLakes.jpg (6516 bytes)
People of the Lakes
(The First North Americans
Series - Book 6)



PeopleOftheLightning.jpg (6515 bytes)
People of the Lightning (The First

North Americans
Series - Book 7)

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People of the Silence

(The First North
Series - Book 8


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People of the Mist

(The First North
Series - Book 9)

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People of the Masks

(The First North
Series - Book 10)

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People of the Owl

(First North
Series - Book 11)


People of the Masks [Book 10]:  In this tenth novel, the Gears choose a setting in northeastern North America, now New York and Ontario, home of the Iroquois.

People of the Owl [Book 11]:  In this eleventh novel, the newest one available, the Gears choose a setting in southern North America, about 4,000 years ago.

People of the Raven [Book 12]:  Coming in the fall of 2004, you can order this book now for prompt shipment around the date of publication.

Also popular are Michael Gear and Kathleen Gear's three Anasazi Mystery novels set in the southwest that draw on their own real life experiences as archaeologists in the region.   See below for these three books.

Coming Fall

PeopleOftheRaven.jpg (5948 bytes)
People of the Raven

(First North
Series - Book 12)

JourneyOfMan.jpg (5015 bytes)
The Journey of Man:
A Genetic Odyssey

TheVisitant.jpg (5094 bytes)
The Visitant (Anasazi

Mysteries - Book 1)


SummoningGod.jpg (6520 bytes)
The Summoning God

Anasazi Mysteries - Book 2)

BoneWalker.jpg (5750 bytes)
Bone Walker (Anasazi

Mysteries - Book 3)

Nonfiction Books
by Other Authors

AncientEncounters.jpg (5238 bytes)
Ancient Encounters:
Kennewick Man and
the First Americans


IceAge.jpg (6528 bytes)
Exploring the
Ice Age

or visit our
page on
The Paleolithic


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Review by Barbara B. Petura, Webmaster
Member, Dog Writers Association of America

AUTHORS: Kathleen and Michael Gear are both archaeologists and writers, sometimes authoring books together and sometimes separately. Kathleen has worked for the U.S. Department of the Interior as Wyoming State Historian and Archaeologist for Kansas, Nebraska and Wyoming. Michael owned a private firm, doing archaeological surveys in conjunction with all types of development projects including highways. Learn more about them in their own profiles:

Meet author Kathleen O'Neal Gear

Meet author W. Michael Gear

PUBLISHER:  Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, publishes books under the Tor® and Forge® trademarks, the trademarks on the First North Americans series and the Anasazi Mysteries series written by the Gears.

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