Training and Racing
Journals of Roland
and Louise Lombard
Lombard Journals
from the Author

Alaska Dog

The Arctic
The Speed
Mushing Manual

Guide to the
Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky




the Iditarod

Iditarod: Great
Race to Nome
Review of a Dog Sports Book, continued
The Training and Racing Journals
of Roland and Louise Lombard
by Nancy Cowan
This new sled dog book is a unique combination of
elements, making it a valuable volume for the bookshelf of any serious musher or lover of
sled dog history and lore, including Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute fanciers. Author Nancy Cowan has been writing aspects of sled
dog history -- especially in her home region of New England -- for some years now, this
being her fifth sled dog book. In that process, she has made available to dog lovers and
mushers a wealth of resources hidden away in boxes of photographs or diaries or, in this
case, the training journals of one of the 20th century's most famous mushers, Doc Lombard,
and his wife Weezie.
Among the important elements in the book are
photos of key Lombard dogs and teams, fresh insights on how Doc trained and evaluated his
dogs, and many charts with training miles that show how his teams were conditioned
for championship competition.
To make this book review as meaningful as
possible, I have created "sidebars" of information about Doc's racing exploits,
especially listing the years he won the big races in Alaska. |
Alaska Sled
Dog Wins:
Roland "Doc" Lombard
Open North American
Championship, Fairbanks
1959, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967 - See all
ONAC Champions
World Championship Sled Dog Race, Anchorage
1963, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1974
See all winners of the
World Championships
also called the Rondy
Tok Race of Champions
Won Tok 7 times
See historic photos
A veterinarian, Lombard had special knowledge of dog care and is crediting with
helping all sled dog racers learn about the need to water their dogs
during races. |
The journals cover many of these key
years when Doc was a force to be reckoned with on the most demanding race trails in
America. Nancy reports in the book's introduction section that the training
notebooks and racing yearbooks that Weezie gave her access to stood two feet high when
piled up.
The new book begins in 1945 with a unique set
of data about how long it took twelve New England mushers and their teams to cover 100
miles [or other listed distances for some], with Bill Shearer of Foxstand Kennels
(Siberian Huskies) fastest at 523.17 minutes with Doc Lombard and team (Siberian Huskies)
close behind at 540.34 minutes, while Weezie apparently driving Alaskan Malamutes took
742.22 minutes. While there is no indication that this was a race, it is still an
interesting comparison of team speeds in those days.
The detailed journals begin in earnest in
1947 with careful details about the training conditions, individual dog performance and
much more. Many insights on training strategy can be derived from the many charts
and entries that cover the years -- with some missing -- up to 1988.
To fill in for some of the years, Nancy
provides letters that Doc wrote home from Alaska to Weezie and their son Ronnie. Some
readers will find these especially enjoyable because of their narrative style.
Noteworthy are his letters from 1958, his first year racing in Alaska when he is learning
about the challenges of the rough Alaskan trails and the competition from tough Alaskan
As you read, you witness Doc recognizing he
will need to move up to a new level of training and dog capability to remain as
competitive in Alaska as he had been in New England. In a February 1960 letter he
wrote: "Well, the race is over and I lost. I have the fastest dog team in
Alaska, and no dependable leader."
The Mushers, the
Competition Scattered
throughout the book are the names of famous mushers Doc raced against or bought dogs from
or visited. For example, he records visits to Earl and Natalie Norris of Anadyr
Kennels near Anchorage, and racing against the likes of Gareth Wright, Bergman Sam, George
Attla and many more. In February 1962, he wrote of Attla: "George Attla from
Huslia came in with an unbeatable team, sixteen dogs. Can you imagine being behind 16 top
dogs?" If we read between the lines, we realize that Doc is already thinking
about how to acquire more such top dogs for his own team.
The Dogs
And of course the dogs. Doc wrote of dogs he
purchased, for example, Bullet, a two-year-old he got from well-known Alaskan racer
Bergman Sam (who was from the Koyukuk region as was George Attla) for his 1967 racing
season. Of Bullet he wrote: "2 yr leader, real go-ahead dog, doesn't
gee/haw. Short legs and heavy built. Doesn't look like speed, but actually shows
promise. Very ambitious." |
Doc Lombard's Training Wisdom:
Enjoy a sample of Doc and Weezie's training approach in this article by author
Nancy Cowan.
Siberian Husky History: Doc Lombard's Igloo Pak kennel was influential,
especially in New England
See the role of the Seppala strain Siberians in Lombard's
Igloo Pak KennelsLouise "Weezie" Lombard raced Alaskan
Malamutes and Siberian Huskies, as shown in an history photograph from the
New England Sled Dog Club
History: See Doc's place in the history of racing in Fairbanks, Alaska,
including the North Americans
The Siberian Huskies are there too,
including his leader Chuck as well as the famous Tok and others, not as a focus but
Final Thoughts
Doc Lombard was a major force in sled dog
racing for many years and this new book gives both serious racers and dog lovers something
of value. This is not a volume of narrative chapters, so requires readers to
"dig in" and explore the many entries to develop greater meaning that the text
alone provides. But clearly it belongs in the libraries of all who love the sport of
sled dog racing or love the sled dog breeds such as the Siberian Husky and Alaskan
Review by Barbara B. Petura,
WorkingDogWeb.com Webmaster
Member, Dog Writers Association of America
AUTHOR: Nancy Cowan is
an award-winning writing about sled dogs and racing, a sport she once competed in, and
about falconry, her current passion. She is a master falconer and rehabilitates wild
peregrine falcons. Her fascination with sled dog history began in the late 1960s when her
husband and his Siberian Husky came into her life. She lives today in Deering, New
Hampshire, with two hunting dogs, five raptors and her husband.
PUBLISHER: Nancy Cowan,
First Edition, March 2004
OTHER BOOKS: By Nancy Cowan
Available NOW - order online or from the
The Training and Racing Journals
of Roland and Louise Lombard
In 1990, the sled dog world said good-bye to one of its all-time
greats, Dr. Roland Lombard. He was well known for his championships (8
World Championships, 6 NACs, 7 at Tok, 3 years holding Alaskas dual-championship
title), as a founder of ISDRA and SEPP, past president of NESDC. He bred and
raced some of the fastest Siberian Huskies to set foot on snow, and initiated the spread
of Alaskan Huskies beyond the Alaskan racing trails. Behind
the championship exterior was a man of sweetness and good humor, combined with a
tremendous love for his dogs and a steely will to win. The book is comprised
mainly of diary-like entries from the training and racing journals written by Roland and
by Louise, his wife and his team handler on most occasions. It is the first
definitive work on this internationally admired sprint racer and on the sports most
beloved couple.
Journal entries begin in 1945 and continue through 1989.
Also included are highlights from seven years of letters written by Doc. Including
training tips, Docs lists to himself for things to do and to
pack, detailed hitch diagrams, weight charts and more, the book covers championship
sprint racing in a way in which it has never before been seen.
Book available online at
Click below to order
and Racing Journals
of Roland and Louise Lombard
Book also available from the author
at $50 to addresses within the USA,
including shipping & handling,
with payment via check, money order or PayPal.
Nancy Cowan
183 Deering Center Road
Deering, New Hampshire 03244 USA
Prices are higher to locations outside
the USA
and also include shipping & handling.
For details on these prices, contact Nancy Cowan at
Email: falconcers@comcast.net
Telephone: 603-464-6213 |

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